Intensive treatment for the Latona Fountain on Herrenchiemsee island
With the help of steam and particle blasting, Kärcher removed biological growth and limescale from the Roman goddess Latona on the island of Herrenchiemsee.

Roman Goddess Latona at the top of the fountain and the lead cast animal figures were freed from limestone deposits and organic pollution.

An environmentally-friendly cleaning technology was chosen to avoid harming the materials.

Two processes in use for the best results
在其文化赞助的一部分,Kärcher在Herrenchiemsee Palace公园清洁了Latona喷泉。因为水不断地在喷泉中搬进喷泉,喷泉的大理石表面,与罗马女神拉丁娜在喷泉顶部和铅铸动物人物的顶部,由于石灰石沉积物和有机污染而受到影响。
It was important to choose an environmentally-friendly cleaning technology that would conserve the materials. Kärcher cleaning experts gradually removed the deposits from the Goddess Latona, the figures and the marble surfaces working from the top to the bottom. Two hot water high-pressure cleaners are used in the steam phase, and the low pressure particle beam process. Cleaning in the steam phase uses water vapour at up to 155° Celsius and very low surface pressure (0.5 - 1 bar). "This means we don't damage the surface and the cleaning is very gentle", explains Gerd Heidrich, Kärcher project manager.
Removing the limestone film and yellowish discolouration
The marble has previously been treated with poppy-seed oil to maintain and protect it. A low pressure particle beam process is used to remove the limestone and yellowish discolouration. Compressed air is fed to a specially developed jet gun via a construction compressor. The blasting material is selected in line with the materials to be cleaned so that surfaces are cleaned gently and without abrasion.
Herrenchiemsee Palace park
Inspired by the gardens at the Palace of Versailles, King Ludwig II purchased Herrenwörth island on Lake Chiemsee in 1873 to create a replica of the French model. The result was sprawling parkland which still attracts many tourists today. "Maintaining the Herrenchiemsee Palace park is a constant challenge. There's always plenty to do," confirms Johannes Leicht of Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Herrenchiemsee, the organisation tasked with the upkeep. "The Herrenchiemsee Palace complex is impressive enough in itself. This year also marks the 70th anniversary of the Constitution of Herrenchiemsee – which set the foundation of our legislation," says Gerd Heidrich.
Location:Herrenchiemsee island
材料:Marble, lead
Type of dirt:Limestone deposits, organic pollution
Cleaning technique:热水高压清洗,低压微粒爆破
Execution:August 2018