Automatic garden irrigation: TIPS ON ORGANISED PLANT CARE
A garden full of plants is beautiful, especially in summer. Yet this is the time when gardens also require a lot of work to keep them looking this way. Watering systems and compatible water timers make easy work of this – and they even turn worrying about the garden when on holiday into a thing of the past.

A good starting point: Watering systems
安装A.浇水系统在整个花园中,可以帮助为树篱提供有针对性的水分,花坛,灌木和草药。当合理地使用时,它可以单独浇水,并根据其需求进行植物。这种浇水系统的主要成分是一个特殊软管, which can be lengthened or shortened and fitted with micro spray nozzles depending on your requirements. To get you started, we recommend buying a入门套件,包括软管以及过滤器,各种连接部件和喷嘴。
确保覆盖需要浇水的所有花园区域的方式铺设软管。置于微喷嘴at points on the hose where you want water to be dispersed later. Depending on the type of nozzle used, you can water plants at an angle of 90, 180 or 360 degrees. And you can even regulate the volume of water used to suit your requirements. In addition to micro spray nozzles, you can also usedrip nozzles, which slowly release water from the hose in drops. You can use密封项圈在不再需要浇水的地方密封软管。一个特别的trickle hose例如,适用于羽毛和灌木的缓慢释放浇水。

奠定软管in the garden in such a way that it can reach all plants needing watering. If the hose is too long, you can shorten it using a pair of scissors.

Extend the watering system to your heart's content using a连接集with T- and I-connectors as well as hose stops. Connecting a second system is also possible.


A粒子过滤器must be fitted to the start of the hose. It prevents small dirt particles entering the system and can easily be removed and cleaned.

采用软管飙升to fix the hose in the ground. The attachment points on the spikes feature integrated rubber rings which provide optimal hold.



采用密封项圈不再需要密封喷嘴孔。来do this, stick the integrated pin into the hole you want to seal and close the nozzle.
You should dismantle the watering system, especially the nozzles and connectors, before winter. The trickle hose can remain in the garden over winter provided it has been drained of water beforehand. This is especially practical if the hose has been buried under a layer of bark mulch. Make sure to keep a detailed drawing of the garden, the beds and the plants to make reassembling the system in the spring easier. The drawing should also detail where exactly hoses were placed and where nozzles were positioned.

Self-service for plants: Water timers
使用安装佤邦为植物提供水tering system can be done manually or using水器时代. Simply connect these between the water supply to your home and the watering system. Depending on the model, water timers feature low to high degrees of automation – from a simple clock to a sensor control system:

WT 2浇水时钟
WT 2具有两个带有独立,无变的控制器的龙头适配器。浇水时钟集成在第三个抽头连接器中,允许连续浇水时间达到120分钟。一旦设定时间过去,浇水会自动停止。

WT 4水定时器
您可以根据需要编程浇水时间和持续时间WT 4.water timer. The watering duration is limited to a maximum of 120 minutes. Watering stops and starts on time and automatically at the preset time.

WT 5水定时器
WT 5有四种模式:自动浇水,手动浇水,倒计时浇水和24小时断裂功能。在自动浇水模式中,它在编程时间(每周每天的可编程,最多两个循环)的植物,预先设定浇水持续时间。

敏感ST 6eco!ogic.
Using a radio sensor, the敏感ST 6eco!ogic.intelligent water timer knows how much water plants need and waters them based on moisture levels. You can set up to two watering times per day. You can also delay watering by up to seven days with theeco!ogic.功能。

In the height of summe, when temperatures climb to over 25 °C and there is no rain on the horizon for day, plants in the garden need particularly much water. A laborious task for garden enthusiasts. Using the right equipment makes watering easy and ensures that flowers, vegetable crops and shrubs make it through the warm summer season without any casualties.

Eating outdoors, sunbathing or simply sitting together quietly – for many people, a wooden patio is like a second living room during the warm months. To really enjoy the hours spent out there, the surface and surrounding area need to be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. With the PCL 4 Patio Cleaner it's a piece of cake.

Following a trip with the bicycle through forests or meadows or on dirt tracks or dusty roads, a thorough cleaning of it is in order. With the right device and the appropriate accessories this is done easily and quickly – whether in front of the garage, in the garden or on the go.