Steam cleaning: Hygienic cleanliness without chemicals
蒸汽清洁剂快速且轻松地消除顽固的污垢 - 而没有任何化学品。他们以最自然的方式确保整个家庭清洁,使其成为传统清洁方法的真正替代品。无论是在浴室,厨房还是起居室,它们都可以放在各种各样的用途中。什么可以更自然,而不是在房子周围使用大小的清洁工作的蒸汽的力量?

Cleaning with steam works so well because...
The secret behind steam cleaning lies in combining a jet of steam with a high temperature. A蒸汽净化器基本上像压力锅一样的功能:水在蒸汽净化器的自含水箱中加热,直至沸腾并产生蒸汽。然后通过蒸汽喷枪在测量的数量中释放该蒸汽。蒸汽压力越高,蒸汽释放越快 - 因此,其清洁功率越好。顽固和油腻的污垢在几秒钟内溶解并除去。即使是难以达到的区域也可以更容易地清洁,导致更深的清洁 - 所有这些都没有使用任何化学品。
Another advantage is that the generation of steam demineralises the water, so the steam does not leave any lime residue or streaks behind.

用蒸汽清洗是环保的 - 没有洗涤剂,低耗水剂
用蒸汽清洁是卫生的 - 也很难到达地区
用蒸汽清洁很容易 - 没有擦洗或抛光
Cleaning with steam is healthier – no detergents
用蒸汽清洗是多功能的 - 它可用于清洁厨房,浴室或窗户,以及熨烫和织物护理
Cleaning with steam saves time – speeds up cleaning
用蒸汽清洁是经济的 - 因为不需要洗涤剂
Unlike cleaning solutions, steam condensate does not leave any potentially allergenic residues behind on the cleaned surface, which makes cleaning with steam ideal for sensitive individuals in particular.Moreover, steam cleaners remove 99.99% of all common household bacteria on hard surfaces.This is particularly important for small children, who like to put items in their mouth. Accidents as a result of using the wrong detergent, skin irritations and other health hazards caused by cleaning substances are no longer an issue with steam either.
Allergy sufferers can breathe a sigh of relief too: Steam binds dirt to prevent allergens (like house dust mites and mite excrement) from being dispersed, which noticeably improves the air in the room as well. And last but not least, cleaning with steam requires considerably less effort.


Cleaning laminate and parquet floors
- Remove any dust on the laminate or parquet floor with a vacuum cleaner
- Limit the steam flow to the lowest setting
- Release the steam and move the floor nozzle quickly from side to side
- Do not release steam continuously and only use the amount needed to remove any dirt
- Make sure not to create any puddles
- The residual moisture will dry without leaving streaks behind

- 将布料连接到地板喷嘴到清洁瓷砖地板
- 推荐使用Microfibre Covers进行细石,因为细纤维是进入微孔结构的理想选择
- Move the floor nozzle from side to side quickly in overlapping strips when steam is released
- 只使用清除任何污垢所需的蒸汽量
- 要清洁接头,将地板喷嘴上下移动,从一侧到侧面(以十字形为形状)
- 确保根据需要更换脏布
Steps for descaling:混合水descaling powderto create a solution. Please observe the dosing information on the packaging when doing so. Pour the solution into the water tank and leave it to work for at least eight hours, or preferably over night. Then fully drain the descaling solution and rinse the tank with cold water two to three times to remove all residues.
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