Five tips for a clean home with pets
宠物带来的生活在自己的四面墙,布鲁里溃疡t also a certain amount of dirt. Whether it's your dog traipsing mud across your freshly washed floor, your cat spilling food next to her bowl, or your guinea pig streaking through his cage sending fur flying through your home. So as not to cloud your joy at living with animals, here are a few helpful cleaning tips.

- 用刷子和热水清洁鸟笼 - 没有任何消毒剂或化学清洁剂。
- 特别是大笼也可以用高压清洁剂清洁。
- 只需在浴缸中清洗仓鼠,豚鼠等的笼子浴缸。
- 使用后快速冲洗食物碗或将它们放入洗碗机。
- 将报纸放在猫,狗等食物碗周围。
狗,猫和啮齿动物有一件事 - 他们都是棚子的头发。所以定期吸尘and cleaning are crucial. If you don't want to get the vacuum cleaner out every time, why not reach for your无绳电动扫帚? The sweeper is quick to pick up. A棉绒去卸妆品动物发棒旨在清洁你的沙发和沙发之间的时间。为了防止这么多毛发在你的地板和家具上落地,你应该经常刷你的宠物。

所有这些内幕提示都使常规清洁剂更容易。您的狗是否将脏爪子带入您的家,或者您的猫在窗口上留下标记 - 找到以下的正确解决方案:

Dirt trap
Whether coming in from a walk, agility training or playing frisbee in the park: to ensure your dog brings as little dirt as possible into your clean home, a dust trap mat for pets is a practical solution.
- 对于湿脚:入口处的门垫
- muddy paws: Keep a towel by the door
- 脚浴非常肮脏的爪子:依次将每个爪子放入浴缸中,或用布清洁

Paw print-free
But sometimes you just can't stop your furry friends from bringing soil or mud into your home. If you don't want to get your mop and bucket out of the cupboard every time you see a few dirty paw prints, how about a handheld steam cleaner?