The novel coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, is spreading worldwide. The main human-to-human transmission pathway appears to be droplet infection. With simple hygiene measures, each individual can help to protect themselves and others from the life-threatening lung disease and stem its rapid spread. Our topic special is dedicated to the most effective methods of protection against infection.

*测试表明,在最大清洁30秒的现货清洁。用Kärcher蒸汽清洁剂直接接触清洁表面99.999%的包络病毒,如冠状病毒或流感(不包括乙型肝炎病毒),可以在常见的光滑的家用硬表面上除去(测试胚芽:改性 - 疫苗 -Ankara病毒)。
**When thoroughly cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner 99,99% of all common household bacteria will be killed on common smooth household hard surfaces, provided the cleaning speed of 30 cm/s at max. steam level and direct contact to the cleaning surface (test-germ: Enterococcus hirae).
Where does the Coronavirus come from?
2020年3月11日Covid-19被世界卫生组织(世卫组织)宣布一大流行。肺病是由冠状病毒SARS-COV-2引起的。与流行病相比,大流行病中的传染病的发生不是本地化的并且可以在整个地球上传播,如目前可以观察到。通过咳嗽,发热,鼻炎和疲劳等流感症状表现出晕圈病毒的感染。呼吸问题,颈部划痕,头痛,肢体,恶心,腹泻和寒冷也是可能的。疾病的过程是单独的不同,有很大差异。症状进展是可能的,以及严重的肺炎,肺部失败和死亡。研究人员假设Corona病原体SARS-COV-2从野生动物传播给人类在武汉市的食品市场(湖北省)。然而,尚未澄清哪种动物最初携带病毒。目前,假设在它蔓延到人类之前首先将病原体从蝙蝠传播到其他动物 - 可能通过食用作为SARS-COV-2病原体的中间宿主的动物,并在市场上出售。
Infectious diseases can be caused by various pathogens, including viruses, bacteria or fungi.
Coronavirus SARS-COV-2如何传输?
According to current knowledge, the corona pathogen SARS-CoV-2 is primarily transmitted via the so-called droplet infection. This involves people coughing or sneezing and distributing the pathogens in the air. Other people inhale these pathogens and, in the worst case, become infected with them as well.
Indirect infection:
接触infection (smear infection):

由于目前没有针对冠状病毒的疫苗,因此遵循简单的卫生措施 - 无论是私人环境和个人卫生还是在公共场所都非常重要。
在干净、cl维护良好环境eaned regularly, the risk of transmission of pathogens is minimised considerably. Surfaces are no longer a breeding ground for germs, bacteria or viruses. Even in places that are difficult to access, the pathogens are eliminated more thoroughly.
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