



  • Mechanical action
  • 温度
  • Detergents
  • 时间

如果其中一个因素减少,则必须至少增加一个其他因素。例如,如果您使用热水(温度)和擦洗(机械动作)更长的(时间),则需要减少洗涤剂。因此,并不总是需要使用侵略性化学品来获得良好的结果。相反:随着蒸汽压力的强大组合 - 高达3.5巴与kärcher - 和高温的sc 3,蒸汽净化器可以在很少的时间内溶解污垢而没有任何清洁剂。在这种情况下,即使在不使用洗涤剂的情况下,罪人的圈子也是完整的。

Sinner Circle





  • Multi-purpose cleaner
  • 洗涤剂的
  • Cream cleaner
  • Glass cleaner
  • 基于酸的清洁剂 - 优选基于柠檬酸

If you have a steam cleaner, then you can dispense with the multi-purpose cleaner and cream cleaner. Every cleaning cupboard should also contain micro fibre cloths and cotton cloths, for example old T-shirts. For better results when scrubbing, non-scratch sponges are the ideal solution.

A steel scourer is useful for removing stubborn dirt, for example on pots. And a colour code system taken from the professionals helps to ensure that cloths and sponges for different rooms do not get mixed up: red for the toilet, yellow for bathroom surfaces, green for the kitchen and blue for all other surfaces and furniture.

的一个步骤ight direction


Start by cleaning tables, shelves and windowsills. And always clean from top to bottom to prevent dirt from falling onto already cleaned surfaces. Also, always wipe in one direction to avoid distributing the dirt. Tip: once the kitchen table has been wiped clean, put the chairs onto the table and remove hairs and fluff from the bottoms of the chair legs so that they do not then fall onto the freshly mopped floor later.

Once the whole house has been dusted, the next step is to vacuum floors and upholstered furniture. Vinyl, tiled, parquet or other hard floors should be wiped clean after vacuuming. Do this using a steam cleaner and clean from outside to inside, and within the house from clean to dirty. This means that if you have a阳台(1),您应该在这里开始,因为在外面清洁后可能会带来污垢。在房子里面,最好从清洁的房间开始卧室(2),从那里工作办公室(3)起居室(4)和then to the more frequently used rooms like the走廊(5),厨房(6)浴室(7)。现在是改变刮水布,然后取决于污垢的水平是一个好主意。


Can I do that?




蒸汽清洁剂使用压力和热水蒸汽的组合。这种组合足以清洁没有化学物质的浴室和厨房单位。可以使用点喷嘴喷嘴和圆形刷子除去浴室的LimeScale和肥皂残留物 - 没有耗时的手工擦洗。如果防漏层特别厚,将一些基于柠檬酸的清洁剂应用于该区域,半小时的接触时间用水冲洗。URTEPaaßen采用基于醋的清洁剂建议,因为它们含有酸可以损坏镀铬部件,密封和接头。为了防止这些存款首先在浴室中开发,每次淋浴后冲洗淋浴间的墙壁,用微纤维布擦干。一种甚至更温和的去除水分的方式是用窗户VAC吸入它。

Grease and encrusted food residues in the kitchen can be dissolved using the steam cleaner. A soft velour nozzle cover is best for cleaning stainless steel surfaces on the exhaust hood. And if you want to bring out your delicate high-gloss unit fronts, use cotton cloths for cleaning and Vienna chalk for polishing – this way there will be no scratches.




Anyone who has a cat, dog or rabbit at home knows that pet hair gets everywhere. If you would rather not have to immediately reach for the vacuum cleaner every time, then the cordless electric broom is the ideal alternative. The device is ready to use and easy to clean. Thanks to the mesh sleeve enclosing the brush of the cordless electric broom, the tiny hairs do not have to be laboriously picked out of the bristles after sweeping. The mesh sleeve can simply be removed for cleaning. A lint roller is perfect for quick clean-ups on armchairs and sofas, as the pet hairs stick to it.



When it comes to cleaning carpets, it is important to check the manufacturer information, as not all materials can be treated in the same way. If wet cleaning is permitted, then a spray extraction cleaner is the ideal solution. The device sprays detergent into the carpet fibres under pressure and vacuums it up again together with the dissolved dirt. But be careful with wool: you should treat the whole carpet as infrequently as possible, as the hot water dissolves the natural wool grease that protects the material from rapid recontamination. If you are unsure how the material will react to cleaning, do a test on a hidden spot.

Improving with age




How do I clean my heaters?

清洁加热器对许多人提出了挑战的挑战。难怪何时何时让污垢从所有的边缘脱离。据国内经济学家URTEPaaßen说,使用可以达到差距的窄加热器刷非常简单。蒸汽清洁剂也可用于柱散热器。只需将毛巾放在后面和加热器下方,并用蒸汽喷射爆炸清洁间隙。提示:使用此方法,请先清洁窗口和窗台 - 而是从加热器开始,以防任何灰尘都吹动。

Squeaky clean

How do I get my windows clean and streak-free?

When it comes to cleaning windows, it is important that no liquid is left on the glass, as this will create streaks. Fast, streak-free results can be achieved with a window vac. First of all, spray the detergent onto the surface and loosen the dirt using the micro fibre wiper on the spray bottle. Then suction off the liquid in even strips. The dirty water ends up in the tank rather than on the windowsill.

Spring-cleaned for summer





在研究生物学之后,50岁的人决定在国内经济中追求职业生涯。她对这个职业保持忠实,今天是国内经济学家的工作。她对国内经济学家职业所需的多样性和广泛知识着迷。自获得硕士证明以来,她现在通过知识,以极大的热情。2010年,她开始互联网平台“Wissen Rund Um Die Hauswirtschaft”。在这里,国内经济以图形方式提出。大部分致力于清洁和护理房间。