
After the Antarctic and the Arctic, the glaciers in the high mountains of Asia are the third largest store of fresh water on the planet. Their meltwater fills the continent’s major rivers and supplies drinking water for billions of people. Due to their high altitude, these areas are particularly affected by climate change. The consequences for the region are fatal, with the threat of avalanches, floods and, in the long term, a significant shortage of water. Geologists use high-pressure cleaners as drills to penetrate deep layers of ice.


EverDrill – a special project

It is therefore extremely important to understand what goes on in these bodies of ice, which is the task of geologists such as Dr Duncan Quincey from the University of Leeds and Professor Bryn Hubbard from Aberystwyth University in Wales. In the future, computer models should be able to make predictions about the movements of the ice giants as well as other changes. This will require data such as temperature from inside the glaciers, which is currently unknown and very difficult to obtain.


In spring 2017, the method was used in the Himalayas for the first time in the “EverDrill” project led by Dr. Duncan Quincey. The aim of this project was to study Khumbu Glacier on Mount Everest. The altitude was the main challenge for the team and their equipment: at 5,000 metres above sea level, the air pressure and oxygen levels are reduced by about 50 per cent.



Interview with Professor Bryn Hubbard

The glaciologist Professor Bryn Hubbard has been drilling holes into glaciers for 25 years to examine the internal 'anatomy' of the ice. For this purpose, he uses a Kärcher hot water high-pressure cleaner. He and his team have already drilled into the ice down to a depth of 650 metres. difference was keen to find out more.

Professor Hubbard, during the Everdrill-Project you drilled at an altitude up to 5,000 metres. Did you reach your expedition goals?




Bryn Hubbard CI15


钻井过程非常简单:我们将水从表面溪流和池塘绘制到一个沉降的罐中。水从沉降罐喂入热水高压清洁剂,在那里加热和加压。然后沿着高压热塑性软管喂水至〜2米长的钢或黄铜管,我们称之为“钻杆”。在钻杆的末端,我们附接喷嘴支架和固体铅笔喷射喷嘴,其迫使水贯穿大约1mm的圆孔。这种高压热水喷射熔化冰,因为茎在钻孔中缓慢降低到冰川中。理论上,阀杆从未接触冰,使其悬挂为摆锤,从而垂直钻。在实践中,特别是当碎屑进入孔时,这可能无法实现。热水钻井可以以> 2米/分钟的速度提高,但随着表面和englacial碎片,并且高升高处的燃烧,进展缓慢 - 在Khhumbu冰川上没有比0.5米更快。然而,每分钟0.5米的进展无限比完全没有进展,我们有足够的时间。

Throughout this project you carried out many physical tasks, plus dealt with weeks of altitude and coldness; were there particular things you did to make your time a little more comfortable?

The support staff and porters were super company, as well as being amazingly accommodating and effective. The scenery is awe-inspiring and never ceases to amaze. Internet is available in lodges right up to Everest base camp, which allowed us frequent contact with the outside world. However, it has to be said that Duncan’s jokes didn’t really help.

你个人最喜欢你最后expedition to Khumbu Glacier?



第2季的EverDrill定于201年4月开始8, when we will be refining our drilling and borehole experiments based on results from Season 1. We also hope to work in the very near future with Kärcher engineers to develop and test a hot water drill system to operate at even higher elevations, eventually allowing us to reconstruct spatial variations in snow accumulation widely across the Himalayas. Elsewhere, later in 2018, I plan to link five Kärcher HDS 1000 DE pressure washer units in parallel to supply sufficient hot water to drill boreholes to a depth of 1.3 km to access the ice-bed interface of Store Glacier in central-west Greenland.

For more information on the Everdrill project, please visit the project team's website:http://www.everdrill.org/


HDS 801 B

The hot water high-pressure cleaner chosen was the Kärcher HDS 801 B as it was small and light enough to be transported by helicopter to the drilling site.


  • Efficient four-stroke petrol or diesel engine with reversing starter.
  • The right motor for the right job.
  • 适用于独立的使用,独立于电源。


  • Sturdy tubular steel frame protects all components. Sturdy tubular steel frame protects all components.
  • 起重机挂钩用于租赁业务以及建筑,农业和林业。
HDS 801 B