
Digitalisation,人工智能和机器人:技术巨大趋势正在推动到整个地球的制造领域的巨大中断。当我们努力提高生产力时,人类,机器和流程都变得更加紧密交织。在许多情况下,员工的身体上艰苦的工作被淘汰,并被需要在这个永久化的生产环境中的专业知识的其他任务所取代。没有人真正知道我们在哪里 - 但旅程肯定是一个令人兴奋的旅程!


A tangible future

Manufacturing locally while remaining competitive. Implementing client requests in high quality at high speed. Assuring the longterm existence and sustainability of our site. Kärcher is heading in this direction and going fully digital at the Bühlertal site. Even before the Bühlertal 5.0 project started, the plant was already over 50 % automated. Within just two years, production control, manufacturing and intralogistics had all been introduced or further automated. But why do driverless vehicles need swarm intelligence and why do employees now have to carry much less weight? Let’s take a look.


在他们来任何事情之前,大型项目习惯了彼得队。当范围太大时,这是一个特殊问题,员工不在船上。Bühlertal5.0的项目经理KatjaRäntzsch解释说:“从一开始就解释说,这一点是所有工作人员都参与其中,因为它们是必须承担在实施过程中许多任务的人。只唯一可以发生这种情况,如果他们有动力和开放新想法 - 更不用说业务正在进行,我们也必须可靠地运行事物的操作方面。“

In Bühlertal, operations comprise, for example, in-house plastic manufacturing of 50,000 components every day and the production of 25,000 products for domestic and professional use. Then there is the particular challenge posed by cleaning technology being a seasonal business. In the retail segment, demand for high-pressure cleaners is especially high in spring and summer. “As soon as the sun comes out, orders spike and they need fulfilling quickly – so we work with a team of 570 permanent staff plus an additional 300 seasonal staff across three shifts,” explains Räntzsch.

Illustration of a driverless vehicles which is using swarm intelligence

No pipe dreams, please. We choose topics and tackle them.

Once a project to tackle has been identified, a suitable digitalisation strategy must be selected. “We are not interested in commissioning large, tailored programming projects which then simply do not work,” says Räntzsch. “We use fairly standard solutions which already work and simplify processes using software where we can.” The foundation for all of this is high-performance, failure-resistant Wi-Fi and the right in-house network – so expanding our digital infrastructure was the first pillar of the project. Then we turned to the core issues of production control, automation and intralogistics. An MES system is at the heart of our production software, and it will be expanded incrementally with SAP interfaces by 2021. “We used to use Excel a lot, as manysites do,” acknowledges Räntzsch. “That works, but it is labour-intensive and relies on just a few experts.” The new system is even able to handle all of the detailed production planning, from preproduction to final assembly and all the way to quality control. “At the moment, we are finding potential for optimisation on an almost daily basis,” says Räntzsch. “For example, our injection moulding machines have always had high capacity utilisation, but the MES has managed to improve this.”


数字革命已经达到世界的工作,and some companies are automating with the goal of reducing staffing levels. Katja Räntzsch explains why that is not the goal in Bühlertal: “At the core of all of this is the goal of increasing the plant’s output – by improving working conditions and smoothing processes." So the production lines were analysed, showing where work could be made easier. The final assembly of the K2 pressure washer involves manually installing the 2 kg pump – a very strenuous and not particularly ergonomic task when repeated over and over. From 2020, this task will be completed by a machine. Steps will also be taken to ease the strain of working on our professional products. This will be particularly advantageous when dealing with the heavy machines. “Just like in the automotive industry, underride driverless transport systems will take the HDS high-pressure cleaner to each workstation in future – greatly improving ergonomic standards.” Once a product is ready to be picked up, the packaging robot places it on a pallet. The machines are then picked up by a driverless transport system (DTS). “This is truly fascinating technology,” reports Räntzsch. “And the DTSs work using swarm intelligence. They don’t simply complete a route; the DTS closest to the current task will pick the product up.” Then it goes to the warehouse or to direct dispatch – where the plant has improved its quota from 30 % to 50 % using the measures already implemented, with a goal of 70 % going forward. “Direct dispatch means orders are addressed and sent out quickly, with minimal storage costs.”

顺便说到 - 但不是那里:进步是动机

许多项目已经或者正在of being implemented in Bühlertal – and that is all within two years. “We are well on the way to becoming a paperless factory, as well,” reports Räntzsch. In keeping with the digitalisation strategy for the whole company, we are setting up HR management at the plant so that employees who do not have their own computer can request holiday and report sick leave using digital terminal devices. Increased productivity and a reduction in costs caused by errors are the proof that all of this is working. “This project is not the end for us, though; it is just the beginning,” says Räntzsch with a smile. “Because we want to go a step further every day, just like we have been doing so far – there is always more that can be done.”

Illustration Kärcher Bühlertal 5.0 Automation



Many processes are automated at the facility and, of course, that requires the right solutions. Among others, these include 49 assembly and handling robots, 21 portal robots for moving and making screw connections, 53 torque-monitored electric screwdrivers and a 100 % inspection rate of all machines using 34 image-processing and camera systems.



Markus Staringer:For a start, we rarely implement our solutions on a blank slate. We usually work on the basis of existing processes and assembly workflows. We work with our customers to investigate where resources are being wasted on things like unnecessary journeys, waiting times and storage. Then we optimise processes using this as a basis. There is very high demand for system availability. To assure availability, we have around 8,000 customer service technicians on duty so that we can remedy any issue in the shortest possible time.

流程are overlapping more and more – primarily bridging intralogistics and production. Where do you see the greatest potential for more efficiency?

Markus Staringer:只有在您查看流程链时才清晰。例如,在Kärcher,商品离开注塑机,然后将注塑部件转到生产,最后产品进入仓库或发货。如果这些步骤自动运行,则错误的风险显着降低,并且工作可以不间断,具有可靠的循环时间。所有这一切都意味着对腔内机制的投资很快就支付。

数字化,自动化和人工智能 - 魔术三。太多了,但未来会举行什么?

Hennes Fischbach:几十年来,在内数学中的自动化趋势是一定的趋势。目前的解决方案令人难以置信可靠,我们的客户真的值。你看,Mantra是:生产环境对实验来说太敏感了。这些天,人工智能是一个与各种愿景和梦想绑定的流行语。什么AI真的意味着机器能够在特定框架内学习,独立地找到合适的解决方案。这也意味着我们作为人类对机器的责任委托。在我们真正为此做好准备之前,这将是一段时间,并确定它是安全的。

*Markus Staringer and Hennes Fischbach are project managers at Jungheinrich and supervised the Bühlertal 5.0 project.


Illustration craftsmanship and cleaning technology

Two worlds, one goal: perfection




Let ideas take flight without losing touch

One company exists for several decades, has thousands of employees and is active all around the globe. Another company is brand new, so to speak, is made up of five believers and a great idea. It is a known fact that these two worlds can work very productively together and create innovations. It is also about bridging major differences.


Illustration dumplings and food industry


The Maultasche (Swabian ravioli) and Kärcher have one thing in common: they both hail from Swabia and can be found all over the world. Like Kärcher products, these delicacies wrapped in dough are popular around the globe. Join us for a brief journey that shows how culinary delights can bring people together and how cleaning technology can ensure carefree feasting.
