
每年大约21900万乘客,中国东部的上海虹桥火车站是世界上最大的火车站之一。它类似于迷宫,其中只有少数人知道的秘密 - 朱红艳就是其中之一。

Visiting One of the Largest Train Stations in the World

There are ten minutes left before the express train to Beijing leaves the station when a young woman rushes up to Zhu Hongyan. The train is scheduled to leave from platform eight and the enormous hall has disoriented the woman. Zhu explains where she needs to go and accompanies her a few metres in the right direction. With her suitcase in hand, the woman races off towards the ticket barrier and only just makes it before the doors close.



Every day, the Shanghai Hongqiao train station welcomes around 400,000 travellers. They come from all over China and speak 300 different languages, as well as local dialects. From here, passengers travel all over the country. A train journey to Kunming, which is roughly 2,500 kilometres away, takes up to 36 hours. A trip to Ürümqi, 4,000 kilometres away, takes 45 hours. For this reason, many travellers bring enough food for several days with them, packed in plastic bags. Stands offer local delicacies: tofu marinated in tea, roasted chilli peanuts and dried plums. Plus sweetened green tea and cola. Sometimes train tickets are sold out days in advance. Passengers arrive early so they don’t miss their train and then like to sleep for a few hours before heading off, often with their heads resting on suitcases amidst the bustle.




The train station is a complex system, the rhythm of which Zhu understands. She moves through the chaos with purpose. In her team, which is responsible for the second and third floors of the three-storey building, there are 30 colleagues per shift. In the past, Zhu might have walked up to 50,000 steps a day. This year, her employer Huatie Lüfu started using cleaning machines from Kärcher. This has made work significantly easier for Zhu and her team. Thus, the step count has gone down to only 10,000 a day. She spends the rest of the time on the B 250 R, a ride-on scrubber drier, and does her rounds through the endless train station.

Machines ensure safety

Almost all travellers carry flasks for tea, which they can fill up with hot water in the toilets and on trains. Many passengers with long journeys ahead of them also have a quick bite to eat before they get going. If there are spillages, Zhu and her team used to have to drag out a bucket and mop. “But the surfaces dry too slowly,” she says. Passengers had to be kept away from the area to minimise the risk of accidents. Now they can drive over dirty areas with their machines, leaving them dry and safe to walk on straight away.

The team communicate via walkie-talkies to coordinate where they are needed. As of this year, more than 50 Kärcher machines are in use here. They are stored at various assembly points around the building. The small machines are manufactured in China; the large ones are imported from Germany. Zhu has never been there, but she is familiar with the country now that she uses its many high-quality products. Germany isn’t known as the “land of virtue” in Chinese for nothing.



A total of 27 ride-on scrubber driers from Kärcher are in action at the Shanghai Hongqiao train station.


其中,BD 50/70 R BP Pack Classic,这尤其适用于较小的车站的较小尴尬的空间,得益于其小转弯半径。


而B 250 R BP,设计用于清洁大空间。






The most stressful time of year comprises the days around the Spring Festival. The Chinese New Year is celebrated in late January or February every year. For the celebration, up to 700 million people travel to their home towns – and most of them take the train. The Festival involves the largest mass human migration in the world. Travellers are laden with presents. Those who can afford it bring their parents a mobile phone from the city. Farmers bring their families their juiciest fruit. Whole pigs are packaged up and swung onto shoulders.


出于这个原因,与她的大女儿生活parents. “She often used to ask me why all the other parents came to the Spring Festival but not me,” she tells us. Zhu’s voice trembles slightly at the memory. “But I was able to help other children see their parents,” she says today. That this also makes her proud is clear from the way her posture straightens. She nods decisively. This too is simply part of her job. She can also take time off once the Spring Festival is over and things have calmed down again. Then Zhu boards the train home with her husband – from the Shanghai Hongqiao train station, of course.




  • With more than 23 million inhabitants, Shanghai is the third-largest city in the world.
  • 众多大学,博物馆和研究机构使大都市成为一个重要的文化和教育中心。
  • As a direct-controlled municipality, Shanghai has the status of a province directly subordinate to the Chinese central government.
  • 它的港口是世界上最大的集装箱处理港口。
  • The city’s excellent transport links have significantly contributed to its great economic success.