"Everyone likes it clean"

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However, an international comparison of cleaning habits shows surprising differences



Cleanliness is particularly important to Brazilians, Poles are more generous

全球约90%的受访者说clean home was important or very important. In Brazil, 97% of those surveyed said that cleanliness was important; in Poland, this was 87%. The other countries surveyed lie between these figures. By comparison, the Germans, who are regarded worldwide as being particularly clean, are somewhere at the bottom of the scale with 89%. When asked how much time they spent cleaning weekly, on average German households replied 3 hours and 17 minutes. Accordingly, the Germans come close to the other countries surveyed (3 hours 20 minutes). In Brazil, an average of 4 hours 5 minutes are spent cleaning, just under 10% of those surveyed said that they spent more than 10 hours cleaning.

Gerhard Reifmesser im Dialog

Interview: Where is it the cleanest?

We discussed the partly astounding results and differences with Gerhard Reifmesser, Head of Kärcher Market Research.


That would be too simplistic. The amount of time spent cleaning depends on the devices used. Using electrical devices can save time. A typical peculiarity of the cleaning culture in Brazil is, among other things, that cleaning takes place manually using large amounts of water. Houses typically have stone floors and the kitchen often opens to one side on to a type of terrace, the so-called Lavanderia. This allows the kitchen floor to be washed and cleaned. Noticeable are also the powerful and fragranced detergents – a fresh scent signals cleanliness.


Yes, we market researchers conduct virtually all of our studies locally, speak to people, look at their homes and how they clean. I spend about a quarter of my working time conducting such studies in the global markets for our products.



In addition to cultural differences, are there also fundamental similarities in cleaning habits?

To put it simply: everyone likes it clean. However, the perception of cleanliness is individually and culturally influenced. In the UK, Russia or the USA, the cleaning behaviour of a typical Japanese household is perceived as greatly exaggerated.



And the Japanese who are known to love technology?


How much time do you personally spend cleaning your home per week?

I think this is somewhere within the German average. However, my wife says that she occasionally has to carry on cleaning when I have finished. Incidentally, this too is a global phenomenon: men are sharing the housework to an increasing extent, but women still feel as if they are mainly responsible for this task.

Summary: typical cultural differences with regard to cleaning


A clean home is very important. Argentinian households spend a lot of time cleaning. Just under 60% of Argentinians spend more than three hours a week cleaning. 10% of households spend 10 and more hours cleaning. The use of electrical aids is below average; the use of chemical cleaners is particularly high.


即使一个干净的家庭对90%以上的人来说非常重要 - 他们每周约有2.5小时花费最短的时间清洁。超过一半的家庭,两个或更多家庭成员分享清洁。更多时间花在厨房里,除了其他事情之外,因为煤气炉是中国的常态,而油通常用于烹饪。


Only 35% of the French do not like cleaning; the others like cleaning. About two-thirds also clean when no dirt is visible. The distribution of roles is traditional in France: women feel responsible for cleanliness in the home.

Even though Japanese households are known to be particularly clean, 80% of those surveyed said that cleaning was important, but also tedious. Japanese households use chemical cleaning agents least of all. Since the Japanese live in very cramped conditions according to an international comparison, only 13% of them need more than three hours a week for cleaning.

