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Reliable assistant at an altitude of 3,454 m

It is impossible to think of Switzerland without marvelling at the countless attractions the country has to offer: Lake Lucerne, the Matterhorn and the Rhine Falls are just a few of the tourist attractions in the Alpine state. An absolute must-see is the Jungfraujoch in the Bernese Oberland, which sits at an altitude of 3,454 m. To stand just once at the "Top of Europe", Europe's highest train station, and admire the unique panorama of the Aletsch Glacier and surrounding ice giants – up to 5,000 tourists come here daily to do just this, but they also leave behind a lot of dirt. The workers on the Jungfraubahn railway use Kärcher cleaning appliances to clean the trains and buildings daily for their guests.

达到“欧洲顶部”的方式始于世界着名的冬季滑雪胜地格林德瓦 - 或在Lauterbrunnen开始的山谷的另一端。运输工具就像旅程一样不寻常:100年前建造的风景如画的机架铁路,在海拔2,500米的海拔地区向山顶上蜿蜒而成,以蜗牛的速度在某些部分上移动。几个令人印象深刻的航点和峰会的无与伦比的经验保证了每个日记中的进入。




Joch的旅游指南之一是Sandro Saurer,Jungfraubahn AG的火车司机。每天几次,他和他的同事从航点站“Kleine Scheidegg”的行驶列车,在2,061米直到Jungfraujoch。在传统时尚与尖端的尖叫声,Saurer发出了火车的迫在眉睫的偏离并开始旅程,持续超过50分钟。在“巡航速度”,正如他所说的那样,火车上升到了四万山的冰冷世界 - 山上的4000米。火车以每小时35公里的最高速度慢慢地爬上山峰。后来在下坡行驶时,它的一半速度 - 最多17公里/小时。由于梯度高达25%,这将比这更危险。这就是为什么火车上的衬垫长凳没有平行于地对齐,而是略微向上成角度。这可以防止人们从座位上滑落。火车,被涂上红色,60多米的措施。 This allows up to 200 passengers to be carried at a time. Additional carriages can be attached as necessary to deal with the rush of tourists during peak season.


Window cleaning with a WV

eigergletscher - eigerwand - 埃斯米什

刚刚在第一站“Eigergletscher”(Eigergletscher“(Eiger Glacier)之后,铁路进入艾格兰山脉之间的受损7公里。“Eigerwand”(Eiger Wall)是下一站的名称。安装在eiger的臭名昭着的北面的三个全景窗户,令人叹为观止的景色,朝向格林德瓦山谷。有些游客非常惊讶,他们真的把鼻子压在窗户上。因此,这并不奇怪Kärcher Window Vac很快火车司机曼Feierabend favourite device: "Finger and nose prints are removed in a flash," she says, happy to have a device that makes her work easier. And thanks to the replacement battery with 35 minutes' run time, she can quickly clean a few train windows when she has a spare moment, since countless marks on the windows begin spoiling the view shortly after the train has set off.


5,000 tourists per day do not just bring the money needed to operate and maintain the Jungfraubahn – they also bring a lot of dirt with them. But since cleanliness in the trains and in the stations was identified as an important factor in determining visitors' wellbeing, those responsible for the Jungfraubahn AG rely on effective and reliable cleaning machines. This is how train driver Saurer sees it: "Last year we had a million visitors for the first time ever. This means we need a good team to keep things clean. This is only possible with machines you can rely on 100%, since they are very difficult to replace up here. Everything has to be brought up by rail." On the Jungfraujoch alone, eight Kärcher machines are in use, includingsweepers and scrubber driers用于地板护理。额外的机器如窗户Vacs和几种湿和干燥的真空吸尘器是在车站和火车车厢中使用的设备之一。


The train conductors who check passengers' tickets, answer questions and accompany the passengers up to the summit station are also responsible for quick cleaning while the train is in motion. They have to cope with a各种污垢和污渍,从粘性可乐,巧克力和冰淇淋痕迹到Trodden-in嚼口香糖,肮脏的雪和砾石,陷入游客的鞋子。“我们的工作日始于美国清洁,建立并让一切准备好开始,以便我们可以在3,500米处安全地送到Jungfraujoch,”Saurer说。

At the航点站as well, everything must be spic and span for the next day. And when at 4:40 pm the familiar whistle signals the last train into the valley, work up at the Jungfraujoch really gets going. "There are people who stay up there overnight in order to keep everything maintained and cleaned ready for the following morning," explains Saurer. "We all have nature and the mountains in our blood. That's practically a requirement if you want to work here." But working here has its own reward: "There's a special feeling up there," says Saurer. The air is different, and being so far away from the world and the rest of civilisation is an adventure in itself."

火车站“Kleine Scheidegg”

与贝尔维尤德·阿尔卑斯山的“Kleine Scheidegg”站,仍然存在近几家世纪大酒店之一。



Kleine Scheidegg by night

The "Kleine Scheidegg" in the evening: station, Hotel Bellevue des Alpes and the Sphinx Observatory with viewing platform (top right).

Window Vac

Kärcher Window Vacs are among the appliances used to clean the carriages, both in the train depot and during operation before the next tourists get on the train.


Jungfraubahnen AG列车司机每天都需要几千人到Jungfraujoch。

