Somchat Changkarn and his charges can communicate without words – this mahout can tell how the animals are feeling by their body language. He spends up to 12 hours per day with the pachyderms at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center.

Mahout Somchat Changkarn和他的Protégé,大象婴儿Moonbeam

A life for the gentle giants of Thailand

当大象看到水时,没有阻碍!几个时刻前,部队在单一文件中对湖泊悠闲的小跑,然后,他们突然间,他们撞到了银行,把自己扔进了凉爽的水中。“洗澡时间是我们收费的真正高点,”Somchat Changkarn解释道。泰国MAHOUT一直在南邦泰国大象保护中心(TECC)的工作17年。为了让游客更容易到中心,40岁的孩子们不惜一切顺利。他有两个孩子,现在是首席mahout,照顾111只大象,以及他的剩余团队。该中心在省首都省首都东南部约80公里,在泰国北部。该中心覆盖着一个充满厚森林和郁郁葱葱的绿色山丘的大型野生地区;养殖站和大象医院;游客中心和一个Mahout学校。


站立在桥梁的泰国mahout somchat常长卡恩的画象
Mahout Somchat Changkarn takes care of a female elephant who is a patient in the elephant hospital

Splashing in the lake is skincare

Baths are not just about the welcome cooling effect for elephants. In fact, the skincare implications are far more important. “That is why bathing in the lake is a part of their daily routine,” explains Dang. This is where the elephants wash off the muddy crust they have built up over several “sand baths”. They use the sand to protect themselves from the sun, from overheating and from irritating insects.

Thailand – the home of the elephants

The day-to-day lives of humans and elephants are more closely interwoven in Thailand than anywhere else on earth. Up until 1917, the national flag even featured a white elephant to symbolise the absolute monarchy. The birth of a white elephant (often albino or “normal” elephants with paler flecks of pigment on their ears or foreheads) was regarded as a good omen for the ruler of the time. Even today, white calves automatically pass into the ownership of the Thai royal family and, according to legend, one of Buddha’s incarnations was as a white elephant. Many Thais believe that the country’s borders depict the head of an elephant. The “forehead” forms the border with neighbouring Myanmar in the north and the “trunk” stretches to the Andaman Sea in the west, plunging into the Gulf of Thailand in the east.

Working animals with no work

不幸的是,这些温和巨人的历史也包括在多年来的战争中的使用,并作为“卡特尔斯”,以通过密集的泰国森林拉动树干重量几吨。1989年,伐木在泰国做了非法,意思是许多大象成为要求的盈余。从大象的那一点不得不赢得他们作为旅游景点的保留,并通过徒步旅行中的丛林运送假日制造者 - 经常生活在糟糕的条件下。值得庆幸的是,Mindsets现在已经长时间变化了:泰国政府已宣布广阔的土地是保护区,正在鼓励绿色旅游,并积极提高意识。这就是Mahouts拥有的大量专业知识确实自己。在国家大象研究所(Nei),这是南邦泰国大象保护中心的一部分,加上Taweepoke angkawanish,大象保护计划,照顾生病或孤儿的大象,以及被放弃的大象他们的前所有者。内部医院免费对待大象,由泰国政府提供资金,并在中心土地上的生态旅游的收入。在整个待遇过程中,每个大象都会从他们自己的分配的mahout接受护理。“恢复期往往持续两三个月,在此期间我们试图尽可能地教育Mahouts,以免为大象的未来健康问题,”Taweepoke angkawanish解释。 “We show them how to take proper care of the elephants.”

Mahout Somchat Changkarn清洁马厩

Hygiene is a crucial factor in keeping domestic elephants.



Illustration of a map of Thailand


• The Kingdom of Thailand covers an area of 513,115 km². The capital is Bangkok.
• This South East Asian country borders Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia.
• The national anthem is played every day on Thai television, radio channels and in public buildings at 8 am and 6 pm. When they hear the anthem, people stand or stop for a moment – before going back to normal life.
• The principle crop in the country is rice.

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