When Soap Dispensers Schedule Operations

清洁建筑需要什么?清洁,清洁技术和工作时间表。没有其他的?清洁目前是非常重要的,同时在许多地方缺乏清洁人员。成功的关键是效率,即使在清洁部门也是如此。如何使用传感器通往Chatty Soap分配器,人工智能(AI)可以为工作调度做些什么,以及清洁者通过他们的智能手机实时获得工作。

Abstract illustration for the topic


在纽约乘坐John F. Kennedy机场。其整体终端面积超过350公顷。即使有巧妙的工作调度,清洁剂也有时必须从一个工作地点到下一个工作位置走长途跋涉。同时,清洁工作主要按照视觉控制原理进行。“我出局了很长一段时间只是检查房间干净,肥皂或手巾分配器仍然充满,”Zan Compute Inc.的CPO Sri Sridharan解释说,Santa Clara(加利福尼亚州)的AI专家们瞄准为客户提供不必要的旅行和工作,从而减少它们。

The concept of needs-oriented cleaning can be implemented with the clever use of sensors and artificial intelligence. “Our sensors record the footfall in a room and measure the filling levels of consumables,” says Sridharan. In order to ensure anonymity, reliable radar sensors monitor the number of visitors – no photos are taken.

“Our AI uses the information collected to calculate recurring patterns and a dynamic cleaning schedule. It reduces the time spent on unnecessary tasks and tours by up to 30 per cent.” Real-time adjustments are possible at any time. Thus, for example, if there is an increase in footfall in an area that is usually less frequented, the system immediately reports the resulting cleaning requirements.






"Previously there was no comprehensive solution that small companies could also afford. Our mission is to organise the digital management of buildings, employees and work assignments," states Philipp Andernach, managing director of SoniQ. "Building managers have to keep track of so many things. We help them to concentrate on the quality of the cleaning service.!

"The complete process from A to Z"

与已经可用的解决方案相比,该解决方案仅涵盖了一部分过程,Soniq解决方案具有整个过程。在构建数据和性能规范的基础上,建筑经理可以通过PC或应用程序分配员工 - 考虑到已经工作,资格,现场,疾病或假期的时间。



行政是必要的,但不必要的耗时的活动降低了生产率 - 现在几乎没有任何公司能够负担得起的。平均而言,SONIQ解决方案的用户节省了30%的行政任务的工作时间,因此大约有20%的成本。经验证明,小公司可以让他们的管理足够瘦,以便一名后台工作人员可以在没有任何问题的情况下实施所有流程步骤。“凭借大公司,缺乏专业人才尤为明显,”Andernach解释道。“当我拼命寻找建筑物经理时,我很高兴通过使用软件可以节省三大建筑经理的工作时间。不是因为我想削减工作人员,但因为我找不到它们。“

主题的抽象插图“最终一切都将是数字 - 差不多。”

"When a smiley shows appreciation ..."

Were you satisfied with the level of cleanliness? Building users are increasingly confronted with this question, for example, when they leave sanitary facilities. Meanwhile, the operation of such systems is contact-free in order to avoid unnecessary contact with surfaces – and they make an additional contribution to visualising the result of cleaning. "Of course, it’s always about working efficiently and making a company economically fit," sums up Andernach. "But the transparency that is now possible through digitalisation also achieves something else entirely. A simple smiley helps to make the appreciation of cleaning services visible and to encourage it."

"In the end, everything will be digital - almost"

即使在一个以体力劳动和实践活动为特征的世界,如果正确使用,数字工具也会带来进展。越少的系统必须彼此组合,并且应用更严格的解决方案越好。这正是Soniq正在进行的何处,解释菲利普·安纳赫(Philipp Andernach):“我们的目标最终是通过[SQ]一个平台来制造建设服务提供商和其他用户的所有数字产品。”当用户友好的,多语言界面可以提供对跨道制造商舰队管理的访问,以控制需求定向清洁,以记录建立用户满意度和所有业务流程的数字控制 - 然后一切都是数字的,除了清洁本身。欢迎来到未来。


Sri Sridharan,合作伙伴和CPO(首席产品官员)照片Zan Compute Inc.

Sri Sridharan.

Sri Sridharan.is a partner and CPO (chief product officer) at Zan Compute Inc. As an expert in software development, he was employed by the Intel Corporation for 26 years, built up extensive expertise there and obtained numerous patents. He studied at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Madras) and has qualifications including master’s degrees in chemical engineering and computer science from Southern Illinois University. Privately, Sridharan founded the Sankara Eye Foundation, which fights treatable eye diseases in India.

Photo of Philipp Andernach, Managing Director of SoniQ Services GmbH

Philipp Andernach.

Philipp Andernach.is managing director of SoniQ Services GmbH. The manager and tech entrepreneur has extensive experience in the area of mobile and cloud services and has built up various technology start-ups. He has worked for Home24 SE, Rocket Internet SE and Axel Springer SE, amongst other places. Andernach studied business management, law and political sciences in London, Berlin, Paris and Munich and has an M. Sc. in business management/ market economics from ESCP Europe.

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差异旨在向您展示我们如何实现差异 - 与我们的清洁解决方案及更远。通过Kärcher的世界加入我们的旅程。

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