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Cleanliness and hygiene for walls, tiles and machines

Wherever food is cooked, there will be stubborn stains. Grease and food residues must be systematically removed in accordance with the HACCP guidelines, in order to eliminate the breeding grounds for viruses and bacteria. With the right equipment, commercial kitchens can be thoroughly and efficiently cleaned and disinfected.

打扫in the commercial kitchen



  • what must be cleaned (machines, surfaces, floors),
  • when to clean (after use, daily, weekly),
  • what to clean with (cleaning agent and dosage),
  • Who must clean (responsible worker).

Completed tasks must be accurately logged and clearly documented by signature to allow monitoring. It must be noted that cleaning and disinfection are two separate procedures.打扫aims to remove dirt and contamination, i.e. any undesirable substances including product residue, microorganisms and cleaning agent/disinfectant residue.Disinfectioncomprises chemical and physical processes to eliminate microorganisms to a level that is neither hazardous to health, nor damaging to the quality of food.

*HACCP=Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, a quality tool geared to preventive measures, designed to ensure safety in the production and handling of food and to avoid risks that could lead to illness or injury to consumers.

打扫of commercial kitchens

Efficient cleaning in all corners

打扫of commercial kitchens

Bright tiles and stainless steel characterise the appearance of commercial kitchens. To clean the tiles at the end of a working day,high-pressure cleanerscan be used in combination withfoam nozzles or cup foam lances。与人工智能d of the appropriate foam cleaning agents (alkaline/neutral/acidic) and air, which is added at the nozzle, the tools generate foam with the high-pressure jet. The foam is applied from a distance of about one to two meters, working from bottom to top, to make use of the large ejection width. The great thing about this system is that firstly, you can see where the cleaning agent has been applied and secondly, the foam stays in place for longer than a normal cleaning agent, so the time it has to take effect is increased. However, it is important to use only as much foam as comes into direct contact with the surface you wish to clean. This allows you to work efficiently and avoids the problem of excess foam sliding down the surface due to its own weight, which would cancel out the benefit of the increased time the foam has to take effect. The cleaning process is subsequently carried out from top to bottom.


打扫the walls

打扫tilting frying pans requireshigh-pressure cleanerswhich allow the user to control the water pressure and quantity via the high-pressure gun. This makes it possible to always work with the appropriate combination, without the dirt splashing back onto the user. Furthermore, as with all electrical fittings, the work must be carried out carefully, with reduced pressure, to protect sensitive electrical equipment from damage. Tools that have proven successful in this respect arevery short lances (250 mm)or short spray units, such as apower nozzlefitted directly on the high-pressure gun.

You can also make machines and kitchen utensils reach the required hygiene levels using蒸汽清洁剂。蒸汽在100°C的温度和3至4巴的压力的温度下在非常细的液滴中离开喷嘴,加速约170 km / h。这意味着蒸汽进入每个缝隙和橡胶折叠,刷子或布将难以到达。这允许在炊具和带槽表面上的开关开关的彻底和卫生清洁开关的开关。通过在冰和内壁之间引入蒸汽可以在相当较少的时间内更少地解冻冰箱。对于沉重的污染,工业蒸汽清洁剂还提供了使用化学物质在使用反向抽吸函数吸收脏残余物之前预处理该区域的选择。此外,蒸汽清洁剂配有用于抽吸软管和吸管的自漂洗程序,以除去污垢残留物。

打扫with steam

The floor of a commercial kitchen is a particular challenge. The background: A very high level of surefootedness is a requirement, in order to prevent work accidents. If a normal floor offers an anti-slip value of R9, a commercial kitchen must have a value of R11 to R13. The structured tiles also have displacement nubs so that water does not create a risk of slipping. Grease and food residue deposited throughout the working day gets caught between these nubs.

Surface cleaners with a rotating nozzle bar权力,喷嘴在slightl相连y offset position, apply water to the floor at high pressure and very effectively remove the dirt. The bristle rink prevents the water from spraying onto walls and fittings. Depending on the floor structure, the dirty water either runs towards the drain or is pushed towards the drainage channel using a rubber scraper.

Alongside the surface cleaner,洗涤器或洗涤器干燥器in the single-disc or roller version, are suitable for floor cleaning. On rough floors,single-disc machinesrequire a high degree of effort as the disc drifts to the right and the user has to continually steer against this. However,roller machineswork with counter-rotating rollers; they therefore have neutral movement and are significantly easier to guide. This prevents damage to door frames or edges of built-in cupboards as it is easier to avoid bumping into objects.

Furthermore, their small contact face means that they have high contact pressure and the roller shape of the brush enables excellent deep cleaning, allowing structures and joints to be effortlessly cleaned to the desired level. The rollers clean themselves thanks to their high rotational speed, so the dirt doesn't stick.Compact machines还有吸入功能,可重新吸收脏水。地板干燥,可以立即再次走路。

打扫the floor
Anti-slip tiles

Preventing accidents: Anti-slip tiles and slip resistance values

Tiles used in work spaces, industrial areas and public spaces must meet the prescribed anti-slip rating as per evaluation groups R9 to R13 in accordance with DIN 51130. This is to prevent accidents. To test the value, a tester wears protective shoes to stand and walk on a sloping surface to which oil has been applied. The higher the R group, the greater the angle of inclination of the tested surface. It ranges from >6°–10° at a low slip rating (R9) up to >35° at a very high slip rating (R13).

Products for each needs

Steam cleaner
Scrubber driers

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