Many people in a restricted space and the sale of food under perfectly hygienic conditions: cleaning in the supermarket is important in every respect and should be carried out conscientiously. Why the vegetables section has special requirements, why a hidden vacuum cleaner sometimes saves lots of walking, and how hygiene can be guaranteed – an overview.

It all starts outside: Car parks and shopping trolleys
Firstly, if the outside area of a supermarket is clean and well-kept, it is appealing to customers. Secondly, it prevents dust and dirt getting into the building. Service providers are often commissioned to keep thecar parks干净的。如果真空扫地机使用,他们直接旋转旋转颗粒,使停放的汽车不会被灰尘覆盖。
功能,也可以减少灰尘into the supermarket is污垢系列垫和入口处的屏幕。它们的长度应该是四到六步,以便从客户鞋和购物手推车的轮子中消除污垢。为了好的结果,应该定期用a定期清理垫子湿润和干燥真空吸尘器或者高压清洁剂或更换。
垃圾累积附近shopping trolley stationscan be best removed with a sweeper on which the coarse dirt flap can be opened. In this way, even large amounts of litter and dirt can be removed effortlessly. The shopping trolleys themselves can be cleaned with hot-water high-pressure cleaners. As a service for the customers, it is worthwhile providing a disinfectant cloth dispenser, so that the trolley handles can be wiped clean before use.

From the entrance to the vegetables section: Gleaming glass, structured floors

Clean glass surfaces thanks to Window Vac and Co.
The supermarket入口处应该是明亮和友好的。这就是为什么大多数釉面地区 - 但如果他们干净,他们只会给人留下很好的印象。最佳污垢可以用玻璃清洁剂和玻璃或一次性布料除去局部污垢。为了在大表面上实现统一的清洁结果,aprofessional window washer with a squeegee或者商业橱窗VAC应该使用。随着窗户Vac,没有液体留在地板上,这将是一种安全风险。它的易于处理也不仅使其成为快速清洁窗玻璃的理想工具,而且还可用于自助式冷藏柜台的釉面区域。以这种方式,可以减少使用一次性布。

Cleaning of finely structured floors
The蔬菜和水果部分is often directly by the entrance area. In this area, permanently elastic, finely structured floors with a wooden look frequently ensure a feel-good atmosphere. However, dirt can accumulate in such areas more easily, which is a problem in particular when pieces of fruit are trampled down and become sticky. In order to clean these floors, first loose dirt should be swept away. Then,洗涤器干燥器with a roller scrubbing head are very good for the fine work. The soft brushes also get into the fine structures and irregularities of the floors, so the dirt can be effectively removed. The suction ensures that after the cleaning the area is immediately dry and can be walked on again.

每天几次用新产品填充货架意味着留下小块纸板切割floor in the aisles。清除它们,一个宽刮水器单元,带有灰尘布料可以使用,宽度为60厘米至1.60米。有关彻底清洁,带圆盘或滚筒技术的洗涤器干燥器是合适的。橡胶头专为现代店铺施工和货架概念而设计,可用于每个过道宽度。
为了擦拭架子或删除由其销售日期的产品产生的污垢,湿式和干燥的吸尘器可以使用。作为备选,surface cleaners in a ready-to-use spraybottle are easy to use in combination with a微纤维布。In order not to spread dirt around, the cleaning should be done using the 16-side cloth-folding method. The cleaning cloth is folded in half four times so that there are a total of 16 sides. Each surface can be wiped with a fresh side – when each side has been used, the cloth is thrown away and a new one is used.

清洁面包店中的烤箱,面包店吸尘器采用特殊吸气软管和烤箱喷嘴are available. They are heat-resistant and make it possible to scrape out and vacuum up food remnants in the hot oven between individual baking processes. These vacuum cleaners are also designed to minimise the risk for example of a flour explosion.
In addition to the ovens, the displays for bread rolls etc. must be continually cleaned. In order to facilitate the work and to save unnecessary walking, a smalldry vacuum cleanercan be kept in the drawers which are designed to catch the crumbs below the goods displays. So the vacuum cleaner can simply be taken out, used to clean up the spaces, then placed back in the drawer.
由于它们的高清洁温度,蒸汽清洁剂和蒸汽吸尘器are generally an effective and time-saving solution to ensure appropriate hygiene standards and to fight germs or viruses. The steam emerges from the nozzle in very fine drops and, depending on the machine type, at a temperature of around 100 °C and a pressure of up to 8 bar. Thus, for example the plexiglass panels at the checkouts, stainless steel doors and handles, glass surfaces of counters, doors and nappy-changing tables in the customer toilets, as well as difficult-to-access nooks and crannies, can all be reliably and effectively cleaned.

Disinfection: Avoid protein erros