At Kärcher, we think globally – the role of the sustainability manager was created to ensure that the Kärcher sites across the world are equally committed to advocating sustainability. Three managers explain the significance of their work and which unique regional challenges they are coping with.

Mr Fang, which particular challenges are you facing in relation to sustainability in your country?
In China, service providers and suppliers often still don't have a direct grip on sustainability and the environment. That is why we pay particular attention to training both new and long-standing suppliers in the issues of sustainability and the environment. If the conditions are right – i.e. the distance allows for it – we hold workshops on site and offer interested colleagues from other departments in-house training in our plant. In addition, we always check material management based on the global Kärcher purchasing guidelines before signing a contract. We also regularly check the work of the suppliers as the process goes on.

与其它国家相比,奥地利certainly already well-positioned. In the areas of rubbish separation, recycling and energy efficiency, it has already done a lot in the last few years. In terms of renewable energies, Austria has a great locational advantage when it comes to water force. The people here have a pronounced awareness of their environment, and I also see that with my colleagues. The issue of sustainability is of great personal importance to the employees. They want Kärcher to become even more sustainable and want to be an active part of this. And that is also very important, as there is naturally still much to do, for instance when it comes to reducing CO2。
Ms Leal, how does sustainability management look in Brazil, and at Kärcher in particular?
In Brazil, people are not yet so aware of environmental issues and the subject of sustainability. It can, therefore, be difficult to create and share visions that attract attention – both with colleagues and with customers and third parties. That can be seen already with issues like rubbish separation and recycling, which are simply not relevant in Brazil for the most part.
Due to the fact that we follow the specifications of the German parent company, we already have a higher standard than is stipulated in Brazil. Both in production and in our offices, we have, for instance, the possibility of sorting different types of rubbish such as paper, glass, plastics, organic materials, etc. Completely doing without paper is currently a challenge for production, as it is still in the process of digitalisation. But here too, we are forerunners compared with the rest of the country.
Awareness of sustainability has grown in the last two years, and certainly not only in public. More and more companies see it as a separate pillar in their strategies. At Kärcher Brazil, we are always in communication with other large companies in the country about issues of sustainability and the environment, and also work on joint ideas.
What acted as great inspiration for me was theKärcher可持续发展早餐,我有机会与来自不同部门和国家的人们聚集在一起。我发现同事之间的不同职位和观点的交流非常有帮助和鼓舞人心。