Strong machines with great power没有电?很多脏水?变得完全独立。通过我们的汽油驱动发电机和废水泵,您可以以专业方式解决您的问题。manbext官网手机登陆入口在建筑工地上的独立电源和冷热水压垫圈的运行,在市政,农业和林业,园艺和工艺品,我们的汽油驱动PGG 3 / 1,6 / 1和8/3发电机万博手机版官网是第一个选择。如果建筑坑,酒窖,地下车库或电缆轴中有大量的水,我们的WWP 45废水泵将解决您的问题。

Generators – strong machines with great power
无论使用它们,电气设备都需要电力。必须在没有电源的任何地方产生电力。对于独立电力供应和寒冷和热水型清洁剂的运作,在建筑工地,在市政,农业和林业,园艺和贸易中,我们的汽油经营发电机PGG 3/1,6 / 1和8/3是第一个选择。正品专业设备,连manbext官网手机登陆入口续供应具有电能的专业人士,即使在连续运行中也是如此。
Appropriate performance and proper connection
Our PGG generators make it easy for you to find the appropriate performance class for every application. PGG stands for Power Generator Gasoline, i.e. petroloperated generators. Number combinations such as 8/3 or 6/1 follow in the model designation. The number before the forward slash represents the power in kW, the number after the slash represents the current phases, i.e. 1 or 3. Depending on the connection load of your device and the device model you immediately find the right generator.

Mobile, convenient and safe
Consumers with resistive load can be operated with a connection load similar to the nominal power of the generator. This includes, for example, fan heaters, kettles, coffee machines and lamps. It is different for consumers with an electric motor. These machines have a significantly higher starting current and thus an inductive or capacitive load. This means that in practice when these machines are switched on they temporarily draw much more current than their nominal power. This is the case, for example, with power tools, garden devices, high-pressure cleaners, vacuum cleaners and larger household appliances. You should therefore choose a PGG generator with a correspondingly higher power.
The voltage increases – your PGG adjusts
Kärcher PGG generators:
- Supply of electrical machines with 230 V and/or 400 V also where there is no power supply.
- 400 V高达7.5千瓦的连接负载。
- 230 V高达5.5千瓦的连接负载。
- Petrol motors with convenient electro start.
- Folding push handle and large, puncture-free tyres for easy transport, also on uneven terrain.
Waste water pump – 5,000 buckets/hour
水不仅必不可少,也可能是一个问题。特别是当挖掘坑,地窖,地下停车场或电缆管道中有大量的水。我们的WWP 45废水泵为此设计。
泵750 l / min,也容易传达固体matter such as gravel, leaves and mud with up to 30 mm diameter. The suction basket retains larger parts. The WWP 45 is also suitable for pumping clean water, e.g. for refilling HD/HDS trailer tanks, for filling IB containers or for irrigation in agriculture.

WWP 45废水泵由强大的汽油电机(EU Stage V)驱动,简单的手动拉动启动器和扼流圈,便于冷启动。WWP 45可以不间断地运行,最多2.2小时,并在此时传送100,000升水。您可以通过减小速度根据应用来控制WPP 45。产品名称WWP代表废水泵,45架45位为45m³/ h或750升/分钟的流速。
Solid and complete
A powerful device such as the WWP 45 not only needs a powerful drive, but also a solid base. The robust tubular steel frame forms this base and at the same time provides easy access for servicing and repair work. This makes our WWP 45 so reliable, safe and robust.
Become independent.
Our PGG generators and WWP 45 waste water pump with engines in compliance with EU STAGE V generate electricity with max. 7 kW and pump up to 100,000 litres of dirty water with one petrol tank filling anywhere and without interruption for up to 12 hours. Mobile, convenient and safe. Reliable, economical and environmentally friendly. And with our modern service packages, you will get even more reliability and independence.

PGG 8/3, 6/1 and 3/1 generators
- 可靠,同步发电机与汽油发动机符合欧盟阶段V和Electro启动。
- Continuous power between 2.8 and 7 kW – singlephase or threephase, depending on the machine version.
- 直流输出(12 V)。
- 显示显示运行状态。
- 用于5.5至12小时的堆积箱的大型燃料箱。
- AVR technology keeps the voltage constant.
- Puncturefree tyres and folding push handle ensure optimum maneuverability.
- 过载保护和油位控制。
- 对于多功能使用,例如操作电动工具和电动高压清洁器。

废水泵WWP 45
- 独立于电源电源。
- Powerful petrol engine in compliance with EU STAGE V with reliable manual pull starter.
- 750 L / min的运行时间至少为2.2小时或100,000升水。
- Excellent performance: up to 7 m suction height, up to 25 m delivery height.
- Pumps particles up to 30 mm in diameter and is thus also suitable for water containing coarse dirt.
- Robust tubular steel frame for protection against damage and for transport with crane hooks.
- 紧凑的设计和轻巧。
- 对于多功能使用,例如抽水从挖掘坑,地窖,地下停车场。
- 所有组件都易于访问,维护友好。