HD 10 / 25-4 S加
HD 10 / 25-4 S加上冷水高压清洁剂,直立施工风格令人印象深刻容易!力量高压枪,压力开关控制和伺服控制。
The HD 10/25-4 S Plus cold water high-pressure cleaner with three-phase drive offers a high level of convenience and the impressive power of 250 bar with a maximum flow volume of 1,000 l/h. Due to the upright construction style, the machine requires less space than conventional machines and is easier to manoeuvre, particularly around obstacles. This is also helped by the large, rubber-tyred wheels, which make the machine easy to transport, even on rough terrain. Accessories that are not being used can be stored in the separate nozzle compartment so that they do not get lost. New innovations guarantee effortless operation and time-saving set-up and dismantling: While the容易!力量高压枪利用高压射流的反冲力将保持力降至零,容易!锁定快速释放紧固件使处理比传统螺钉连接快五倍,而不会丢失任何稳健性或寿命。该机器专为恶劣条件的日常使用而设计。用陶瓷套管的清洁剂耐磨黄铜缸盖和不锈钢活塞确保了较长的使用寿命。

Effortless operation at last: the容易!力量高压枪。容易!锁定快速释放联轴器:耐用且坚固。而且比螺丝快五倍。
- Large rubber wheels for negotiating uneven surfaces, stairs and landings.
- 经过验证的袋式卡车原则,便于符合人体工程学的运输。
当前类型(pH / v /赫兹) | 3 / 400 / 50 |
流速(L / h) | 500 - 1000 |
Working pressure (bar/MPa) | 30 - 250/3 - 25 |
最大。压力(栏/ MPA) | 275 / 27,5 |
连接负载(kW) | 9,2 |
同时用户数量 | 1 - 2 |
移动性 | 中 |
重量(配件)(kg) | 68,6 |
Weight incl. packaging (kg) | 74,6 |
尺寸(L×W×H)(mm) | 560 x 500 x 1090 |
- 喷枪,容易!力量高级
- 喷枪柔软握把
- High-pressure hose, 10 m
- Spray lance, 1050 mm
- 电动喷嘴
- 污垢闪光灯
- 4.-pole, three-phase motor with air and water cooling
- 压力截止
- 综合水精细过滤器
- 带LED显示屏的电子电机保护
- 油位指标
- 伺服控制
- 黄铜水进口