

Zero Force. Full Power. The new容易!力量trigger gun.

你有力量!你和你的任务之间只能有一件事:我们的容易!力量高清触发枪。它使您能够轻松使用高压。革命性的操作概念容易!力量触发枪使用high-pres的反冲力sure jet and reduces the holding force for the trigger to zero. Absolutely zero. Designed for more effortless, ergonomic and stress-free use. Try our容易!力量触发枪 - 你不想把它放下。



Experience the new dimension of ergonomics in high-pressure cleaning: with the new容易!力量HD trigger gun, you need zero holding force and can clean effortlessly with less stress.

A question of ergonomics.

Working with high-pressure cleaners is physically demanding. That is why ergonomics are important. Constantly holding the trigger of conventional HD trigger guns soon leads to tiredness, painful hands and a cramped working posture. Extensive cleaning is difficult without taking frequent breaks or even changing operators. Our容易!力量技术为所有人改变了这一切。没有更多的持有力量。高压清洁从未如此简单。

Full ceramic valve for a longer lifetime.

When high-pressure guns fail, this is largely due to faulty valves damaged by particles. Our容易!力量还结束了这一点:阀门由陶瓷球组成,陶瓷球具有陶瓷密封座,该陶瓷密封座对任何易于造成潜在损坏的颗粒。这使得它能够比带传统阀门的触发枪长5倍。


新的触发安全性容易!力量trigger gun prevents unintentional operation and offers maximum safety during use – without compromising on ease of use. You only need to press the trigger once to release the high-pressure jet – intuitive and simple. The容易!力量只要按下触发器,触发枪仍然打开。释放触发器时,触发枪会立即关闭。

容易!力量Key Visual



Comfortable in any situation

我们照顾了人体工程学,以便在任何情况下都很舒服。我们的容易!力量HD trigger gun offers optimal ergonomics for ease of use in any working position. In certain situations, in particular when working overhead or at different working angles, an extra handle can be used.

Getting a handle on your tasks.

用于我们新的喷雾喷枪的可选手柄容易!锁定generation makes work easier by allowing you to adjust your posture to suit the particular task. Regularly changing your posture allows you to work longer and in a more relaxed way.



With our patented容易!锁定quick locks, connection is quick and easy. Unbelievably 5 times faster compared with conventional screw connections. Our容易!锁定快速锁定与耐用且强大。至少。

准备好 - 完成更快。

Until now, setting up a high-pressure cleaner was very time-consuming. It involved connecting or disconnecting different interfaces. And the same was true when changing accessories. But that’s a thing of the past. Our容易!锁定system combines the advantages of a quick coupling with those of a screw connection. And this is a time saving of about 80 %. Time needed for the actual work. Or for other important things.

Unique, quick, safe and robust.

没有什么比螺丝连接更安全,更可靠,更持久。没有什么可以节省时间作为快速锁定。但有一件事就像两个合并一样好:我们的容易!锁定与传统的螺钉连接一样强,作为快速锁定的柔性。线程通过锥体锁定。将高压清洁器的所有配件连接到喷嘴,简单的360°转动 - 通过带插入辅助装置的多个螺纹连接到喷嘴。快速安全。一次又一次。


我们的创新容易!锁定系统,重量不是问题 - 它重量不超过传统的螺钉连接。具有大效果的小改善 - 喷嘴密封在喷雾喷枪上。这现在径向直接位于固定螺纹前面,这使得密封件更耐用和俘虏。



我们的容易!锁定系统是更好地清洁的开始,而不是您的配件的结尾。特殊开发的适配器使所有机器和配件配备公制螺纹(M 22×1.5)与配件一起使用容易!锁定connection. And we have made it easy to choose the right adaptor with matching connections. Every adapter has a two-colour plastic cover with embossed number. The anthracite grey connection is the new容易!锁定连接;黑色连接是用于传统的公制线程。


What perfect connections look like

In order to cover the various interfaces, from the highpressure cleaner to the nozzle, as well as forward and backward compatibility, a total of 8 different adaptors are available. This ensures that all existing machines and accessories can continue to be used together with the new machines and accessories with容易!锁定连接。在我们的适配器查找器中,所有适配器都以各自的应用程序列出。例如,任何带有M 22×1.5连接的高压清洁器都可以快速转换为新的容易!锁定系统带适配器2。
