HD 18/50-4 Cage Adv


拥有极高的性能和优质的设备,HD 18/50-4笼子高级移动超高压清洁器来自UHP紧凑型级是一款真正的全方位,适用于工业,建筑贸易和运输部门的最多样化的应用。具有500巴的工作压力,可靠地除去30升/分钟的水流速度为30升/分钟,清洁性能,甚至大量的污垢和顽固沉积物。自动减压阀可轻松方便地处理。阀门减小软管中的压力,因此当触发枪关闭时保持灵活。除此之外,拉动触发枪时,压力会缓慢地建立,这有效地防止了用户的任何突然颠簸。作为其课堂上最轻的超高压清洁剂之一,HD 18 / 50-4也具有最大的灵活性和移动性。强大而移动的“笼子”机器有四个大轮,用于在崎岖地形上运输的起重机钩,甚至可以使用叉车移动到位。直观的旋转开关也使得可以易于使用机器。

Features and benefits
Pressure relief valve
  • The pressure relief valve reduces the pressure in the hose, so it remains flexible when the trigger gun is closed.
  • Prevents any sudden recoil for the user, as the pressure is built up slowly when pulling the trigger gun.
  • Significant improvement in handling, for example, makes it easier to switch between working areas.
Outstanding mobility
  • Large wheels, as well as an optimum centre of gravity secure a high degree of mobility for the machine – despite its size.
  • 实用的起重机挂钩允许简单的运输,也可以在崎岖的地形上。

Technical data

工作压力(栏/ MPA) max. 500 / max. 50
Flow rate (l/h) 1800
入口温度(°C) max. 60
Drive 电子电机400 V / 50Hz
汽油 电动
泵型 Crankshaft
Motor rating (kW) 30
Weight without accessories (kg) 307
Weight (with accessories) (kg) 317.
重量含量。包装(kg) 324,4
Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 747 x 1317 x 1093


  • 高压软管,20米,重载
  • Spray gun, Industrial trigger gun
  • Stainless steel spray lance, 700 mm
  • Flat jet nozzle
  • Safety valve
  • Elapsed time counter
Ultra-high-pressure cleaner HD 18/50-4 Cage Adv
Ultra-high-pressure cleaner HD 18/50-4 Cage Adv
Application areas
  • For stripping paint and rust from metal surfaces
  • For removing algae, mussels, encrustations and lime deposits on ships
  • For cleaning decks, loading bays and freight containers
  • For removing tyre debris on runways at airports
  • For cleaning pipes, tanks and other containers on oil rigs
  • 对于普通罐清洁,以及清洁热交换器管道
  • For cleaning freight/tank trucks, vehicles and equipment
  • For cleaning paint booths, gratings, machine parts
  • For cleaning construction machines and their parts, such as chains, mixing shafts or stirrer tanks
  • For cleaning construction equipment, such as formwork and scaffolding, as well as vehicles