IVS 100/55 LP.

我们的IVS 100/55 LP超级工业真空与LongoPac处理系统,5.5 kW侧通道鼓风机和水平过滤器振动器可以可靠地真空吸尘器甚至大量的瓦砾。

一个集成的保持者Longopac处理袋just one of the standard equipment details of our IVS 100/55 Lp super-class industrial vacuum. This disposal system enables the virtually dust-free disposal of large quantities of rubble and mineral dusts easily collected by this vacuum cleaner. This performance is based in particular on a 5.5 kW side channel blower, the large 16-pleated star filter approved for dust class M and the reliable highly efficient (IE2) three-phase motor. Despite this high output, the vacuum cleaner can also be easily operated at a conventional 16-amp industrial power socket and used continuously. The filter is shaken horizontally and has a gearbox which enables targeted power transmission. The filter is therefore always cleaned with the same excellent results regardless of how much force is applied by the user. Accessories can be stowed directly on the machine so that they are not lost, while an optional remote control which can switch the vacuum cleaner on and off from a distance of up to 30 m is available as required.

IVS 100/55 LP:可选遥控器
Optional remote control
IVS 100/55 LP:节电软启动
低启动电流可防止电源电压倾斜。低能量峰确保能量成本较低。只有低机器保险丝保护必需。(高达5.5 A,16个熔丝保护就足够了。)
IVS 100/55 LP.: User-friendly machine handling
  • 直接放在手柄上轻松省时的容器拆卸。
  • 实用的容器手柄用作拉动和将机器推向排空点的辅助装置。
  • 大型工业滚筒即使在不平坦的楼层和重载下也可以确保最大的移动性。
  • 手动过滤器清洁手柄位于方便的操作身高,并使工作舒适。
  • 无论用户施加的力量如何,齿轮箱都确保了一致的清洁结果。
  • 由于更频繁的过滤器清洁和计量电力传输到过滤器,较长的过滤器停机。

Technical data

当前类型(pH / v /赫兹 3/400 / 50
空气流量(L / S /m³/ h) 138 / 500.
真空(MBAR / KPA) 240 / 24.
额定输入功率(kW) 5,5.
过滤区(平方米) 2,2
标称连接直径 ID 70.
标称辅助直径 ID 70 ID 50
声压级(DB(A)) 77.
没有配件的重量(kg) 158.
重量含量。包装(kg) 170,6
尺寸(L×W×H)(mm) 1202 x 771 x 1470


  • 配件in scope of delivery, no
IVS 100/55 LP.
IVS 100/55 LP.
IVS 100/55 LP.