KM 100/100 R LPG

舒适、现代除草清洁工自称ional use in outdoor and indoor area for areas from 8000 – 10,400 square metres/h.

驾驶: - 本田电机6.7千瓦 - 1用于前进和反向运动的踏板 - 小型车削圈(3350 mm) - 自动停车制动器带真空技术 - 当您留下座椅清扫/真空系统时,自动电机关闭:机器根据to the throw-over principle, i.e. the waste is transported into the dirt container at the back via the sweeper roller.The sweeper roller is floating and automatically adapted to ground unevenness. Both the filter and the main sweeper roller can be exchanged without any tools.The coarse dirt flap allows the pick-up of coarse dirt, such as cans, grit, gravel or wet leaves.The side brush and the sweeper roller are driven hydraulically.A second side brush is available as an option.Dirt container: The two 50-litre dirt containers can be removed at the side Operation: You can automatically lift and lower the main sweeper roller and the side brush using a switch. You control the forward and reverse motion via a single pedal.

真空SWEEPER KM 100/100 R LPG:冲击保护
真空SWEEPER KM 100/100 R LPG: Large filter area with automatic filter cleaning system
当机器关闭时,将自动清洁过滤器 - 用于连续低灰尘,长时间的不间断使用。过滤器清洁也可以手动进行。无需工具就替换。
真空SWEEPER KM 100/100 R LPG:易于维护
Filter and roller brush easy to remove without tools for flexible maintenance.
  • Clear and logical arrangement of all controls in the handle and field of view for ease of use.
  • 所有Kärcher扫地机的标准符号。


驾驶 四冲程LPG引擎/本田
驱动 - 电源(kW) 6,7.
驾驶type LPG.
最大限度。面积性能(m²/ h) 8000.
最大限度。面积性能2侧刷(M²/ H) 10400.
Working width (mm) 700
工作宽度1侧刷(mm) 1000
Working width with 2 side brushes (mm) 1300
废物容器(L) 10.0.
攀登能力(%) 18.
工作速度(km / h) 8.
过滤区(平方米) 6.
重量(配件)(kg) 340
尺寸(L×W×H)(mm) 2006 x 1005 x 1343


  • 涤纶圆形过滤器
  • Manual filter cleaning
  • 自动过滤清洁
  • 强大的牵引力驱动,静水
  • 主要清扫辊,浮动
  • 抽吸体积调节
  • 粗污染
  • 开销席卷原则
  • 牵引车,向前
  • 牵引驱动,反向
  • Outdoor use
  • Indoor use
  • 经过时间柜台
  • 扫描功能,可以关闭
  • 轮子,气动
真空SWEEPER KM 100/100 R LPG
  • 用于停车场的快速维护清洁
  • 适合在零售业或公共建筑物中建立服务承包商。
  • 也适用于讲习班,学校,服务站或汽车经销商
  • 也适用于清洁生产区域和仓库