HDR 777-VA

The application of HDR 777 in combination with professional high pressure cleaning leads to decisive advantages. Use of the HDR 777 permits savings of up to 85% for fresh water and detergents for vehicle and engine washes. Also concentration of hydrocarbons after treatment with HDR 777 is within limit values for waste water discharge.

高压清洗是一个杰出的技术solution to the problem of saving water. The installation and use of a water reclamation system for high pressure cleaner makes cleaning even more effective and environment friendlier. Waste water arising from the car wash, engine wash or parts cleaning first passes through a sludge trap to remove solid particles and is then treated in a compact high-pressure recycling plant in such a way that it can be reused for the washing process. Installing the HDR 777 gives you a choice of two types of waste water treatment - depending on the application: Wash water reclamation In this case the waste water can be reused for further wash porcesses after it has been treated. The consumption of valuable fresh water is reduced by about 85 %, because it is used only for clear rinsing after the wash. Waste water treatment A chemical flocculation process binds and removes pollutants, such as oil, from the waste water so effectively that it can be discharged to public sewer without further treatment. The limit values for hydrocarbons are maintained. Using the HDR 777 can avoid an expensive upgrade to an old or under-rated oil separator, because installation of HDR 777 requires no difficult building conversions.Technical Description Waste water from the high pressure wash is collected in a sludge trap and transferred from here to the HDR 777's reaction tank by a submersible pump. Depending on the application, it is then mixed with a powder or liquid separating agent. Flocks form after thorough mixing and a brief period of contact. These flocks absorb the dirt particles and are then pumped to the filter unit together with the cleaned water. They are effectively separated from the water at this point. The sludge collected in this way must be disposed off properly in accordance with legal requirements. The treated water is then available for further wash processes and is pumped as required to the high pressure cleaner. Waste water treated with powder separating agent complies with the limits for hydrocarbons and may be discharged directly into the public sewer without need for any further treatment.

Features and benefits
Chemical flocculation
  • Effective removal of oil and pollutants.
Automatic flocculant dosage
  • 操作简便和可靠符合限制for hydrocarbons.

Technical data

Flow rate (l/h) 600 / 800
Frequency (Hz) 50
Voltage (V) 230
Dimensions (L × W × H) (mm) 1322 x 725 x 1400
Cleaning agents